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Team members

  • Master servant Ed

    Ed closes the gaps, picks up the water bottles and food bags, cleans the bikes, keeps the team together, has a vast knowledge of Mallorca's tracks on both road and gravel bikes, is the king of "the coffee rides" and is perfectly capable of putting himself aside in service of the team. Our master servant pur sang!

  • Soigneur Louisa

    The food was excellent, is an oft-heard feedback from our guests. Louisa is our soigneur. She is able to put delicious meals tailored to cyclists on the table. Her pancakes during our Camps are meanwhile legendary. She also makes sure everything in the Bike Villa is tiptop. With her nursing background, she is our lifeline for small and slightly bigger aches and pains. We couldn't wish for a better soigneur!

  • Coaches Erwin en Lod

    As the group's road captains, Erwin and Lod are always there for you. Our own cycling coaches with the necessary knowledge and experience both on and off the bike. Motivating, stimulating and humorous. Whatever your goals are and wherever your ambitions lie they are your personal coach and make sure you can get the best out of yourself!


Bike Villa Es Costeret

  • Poligono 3 Parcela 292

    07340 Alaró (Mallorca)

Bike Villas Travel (office)

  • Meerweg 43

    5976 NS Kronenberg

    The Netherlands